Anger and fear
Anger is a feeling which is often hard to deal with. You hear people say that you may not get angry. In the education of our children anger is an annoying feeling. A child who is fallen, is hurt and sad because the bike is damaged, can be comforted, can be approached. A child who is angry on his father or mother and furiously fulminating runs to his room is harder to approach. How do you deal with anger?
Anger is an emotion that God has given
In the Bible we read in the books of the prophets that the LORD has wrath about the iniquity of Israel and the other people. Also Jesus could be angry. Jesus showed it as resistance, a reaction on the injustice. Anger about sin and injustice is healthy. When you feel anger coming up then it is a very normal reaction.
(ref. Isa., Jer., Mc3:5, Jh2:13vv)
Sin in your anger
Kain went on in his anger so far that he killed his brother. His thoughts and view on the situation were true! However it is very dangerous to interpret your feelings as true. You can be wrong. How can it happen that when you offer help to somebody one would say: “Great that you want to help” while another would say: “Do you think I am crazy; I don’t need your help”. Anger is highly related to the way we think and interpret. So what makes you angry is not the behavior of the other, but how you think about that behavior.
Some people are very afraid to become angry, because they think it is not good. They think that anger only results in a lot of problems. Those people are in danger to give anger a wrong place, with all the related consequences. They don’t take their emotion seriously!
God warns us for hatred and revenge. Anger can become bitterness. It sets up a lot of confusion which can infect others. That is sin!
As human being you are responsible for your own feeling! Nobody can make you angry, except yourself! When you blame somebody else for the cause of your emotion, you also put the solution at this person. In other words you make yourself dependent of the other, you are stuck to it.
(ref. Gn4:5-8, 1Jh3:12, Ef.4:26, 27)
What to do when you are angry?
*Make sure that you are relaxed. Someone who sleeps too little becomes easier unreasonable and irritated. Sleep and eat healthy.
*Don’t reason your anger away. Understanding the other is fine, but not to cover or even deny your anger. That would reflect to yourself and become bitterness easily. (ref. Jb, Ps.42:88)*Talk with God. This seems so obvious, but so often it doesn’t happen. In the book of Job and Psalms we see many examples of how personal feelings and emotions are shared with Him. Go take time with Him; isolate for some moments from the world and share your thoughts with God.
*Reflect upon the word of God.(e.g. Lv.19:17,18, Ef.4:26,27)
*Ask yourself what are the facts. What has exactly happened? Ask about the intention, the purpose of the other, listen to his story. Is there a matter of sin, injustice acting of the other? Maybe it is an old wound inside yourself that is hurt. Try to remember when you had the same emotion in the past in what situation and again talk it over with God. Let Him help you overcome these negative emotions. God is Love and God is a Healer.
*When somebody discovers that you were wrong in your judgement, then be honest to hime and yourself and admit it. However if the other is wrong, take your responsibility to confront the other, if possible. Don’t run away from it, don’t hide yourself and don’t hit back in emotion. In practice this is not easy at all, especially when you have to learn to get rid of certain behaviour, old patterns. When you cannot approach the other, because he won’t let you, then decide to forgive the other and let go the matter. Ask God to help you. When you keep holding others responsible, it locks thoughts, dreams, emotion and makes bitter. Don’t say “I cannot forgive”. You have to decide to forgive! Don’ wait until somebody gets what he deserves, but leave it up to God. (ref. Gl.6:1, first follow the principles of Mt.18:15vv, Mt.6:12, 14, 15, Rm.12:19)
In the ideal world, when all people would practice these principles, there would be no hurt from emotions, no damaging anger and blocking fear. Yes, God, have mercy on us.
Thank You Lord for our emotions. Bless them and holy them to your work in this damaged world.